Implementation of e-commerce model (customer self-service solutions) in UAB „MICHAELSON boutique HOTEL“
UAB „MICHAELSON boutique HOTEL“ in 2021 - 2022 in accordance with Priority 13 of the European Union Funds Operational Program for 2014 – 2020 „Promotion of actions to overcome the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and preparation for environmentally friendly, digital and sustainable economic recovery“ measure No. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-860 „E. commercial model COVID-19“ plans to implement the project „E. implementation of a commercial model (customer self-service solutions) in UAB „MICHAELSON boutique HOTEL“ (project No. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-860-01-0875), the main purpose of which is the implementation of information technology for electronic business management in order to increase revenue growth .
Thanks to the project, the company will implement an e. commercial model (customer self-service solution), i.e. software will be purchased and installed for accommodation establishments, which will allow customers to independently order and pay for accommodation services.
After installing e. commercial model (customer self-service solution) hotel guests (customers) will be able to order and pay for accommodation services at the hotel at any time of the day (24/7 virtual reception) without the help of a hotel employee. Purchased and installed software will be integrated with the existing hotel system. The customer self-service system will be able to check the occupancy of the hotel for the specified period, and the system will offer the type and price of the room depending on the occupancy of the hotel.
Total value of the project: EUR 48,000.00
Part financed by the European Union: EUR 36,000.00
Funded by the European Regional Development Fund
Start of the project: 2021 September.
End of the project: 2022 September.